Diman Bertuah is a company engaged in the production of Agricultural commodities, which has long been established, and participates in improving the economy of the surrounding community. Our product has been sent to various regions and several neighboring countries with guaranteed quality, our products are produced with a traditional way that does not use chemicals at all. and guaranteed quality. We are also committed to continuing to maintain the quality of our products
To be solid in order trusted and the best in business requires a structured relationship. Each part is an important entity for us, We Always look for the positive and being real
We combine features that have capacity to meet consumer needs and provide customer satisfaction by changing products to minimize deficiencies.
We need to Support Clean Energy Going eco-friendly also improves your quality of life in terms of mortality, age, diseases etc, You might have a better short at living quality life with health
Our commitment is to provide service and good products in to create a sense of trust this have been maintaining as the supplier of Sago.
The development of technology ideas is growing very last We Are listening without make judge open minded and always leave are very important things.
We trust each other and provide space for people to grow together with delegates effectively.
And Buyer’s Request
JL Seranggong
Rt/Rw 004/003
Kelurahan : Daik
Kecamatan : Lingga
Kabupaten : Lingga
Provinsi : Kepulauan Riau